
Gotta Love Those Chakras!

What are chakras? They're simply conductors of life energy within or just outside of our physical bodies. We have seven major chakras and twenty-one minor ones. When unblocked and open to about 60%, the healthy chakras allow this energy to flow freely through our physical and emotional bodies and the rest of our energy field. 
   The flow of life energy in any chakra influences our mental, emotional, and physical states--and vice versa.  Negative thoughts can block the flow of the energy through our chakras. 
   In other words, the chakras reflect our beliefs and respond to our thoughts and attitudes. By opening and balancing our chakras, we can increase the energy flow throughout ourselves, and so increase our joy and sense of well-being. 
  This is the first of several posts on each of the chakras. This one will address the lower-most or "root" chakra.

Root Chakra

This chakra, located at the base of the spine, helps to ground us and makes us feel safe, both emotionally and physically. If balanced, it allows us to feel worthy and deserving of taking up space on the earth. If closed off or blocked, we feel unloved and view the world as a scary and uncertain place.
  If, as infants and young kids, our earliest needs were met, then we generally will have a clear and balanced root chakra. Babies who are fed and whose needs are attended to when they cry, become adults who have a strong sense of self-worth and are secure in the sense that their needs will be met. Those who are repeatedly left alone to cry, grow up expecting disappointments later in life--and come to believe that they don't deserve to have their needs met. 

Root Chakra Archetypes  

This leads to a Victim mentality--the archetype of one who cannot effect change or take control of situations, but is vulnerable, ungrounded, and needy. Victims often are afraid, plagued by low self-esteem, and may act in self-destructive ways. Not trusting in the innate goodness of life, or of themselves, they inwardly believe, "It's not worth it" or "Life is unbearable." 

The positive archetype for the Root Chakra is the Earth Mother, the source of all nourishment and of unconditional love. Those with a balanced, free-flowing Root Chakra, eat well, take good care of themselves, resting when need be and understanding what else they need--and letting themselves have it. They are discerning about how time is spent and with whom, separating themselves from highly dependent relationships which deplete them. 

Healing the Archetype

To move from a Victim mentality to an Earth Mother one, we need to acknowledge the truth about our lives and begin to take responsibility for who and where we are and how we feel. It may take time to release the sadness, grief, and anger, associated with change. But by asking ourselves what we've learned about ourselves and life from our past, we begin to free ourselves from the Victim stance. We can also begin to give ourselves simple pleasures: walks, gardening, practicing Tai Chi, yoga, taking aerobics, or going on vacation to a place you've always wanted to visit. 
   Try saying the following affirmations three times a day - pick two or three that you resonate with the most. 

Affirmations to Unblock the Root Chakra 

I affirm that I am a child of the universe, always loved and protected.

I belong wherever I am.

I affirm my right to the life I know I want. 

I affirm that I am strong and able to handle any situation.

I honor myself at all times. I am now doing the very best for myself that I possibly can.

I take responsibility for who I am and how my life is.

I love who I am and am thankful for my life. 

I release all negative feelings that hold me back from being happy and free.

I forgive and release the past and live in the here and now, and fill it with fun, joy, and light.

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