

Boyds - Home in the Country!

Nearby woods

Neighboring farm

Even in the dead of winter, all I have to do is go outside and walk a little ways and I feel refreshed and renewed in spirit. We are blessed to live in a beautiful area with farmland, woods, and a bike trail nearby. The apple orchard behind our old farmhouse adds to the charm of our "home in the country" as our town is called. Just take a look at the images here and I think you'll agree. But no matter where you live, there is beauty, if you just hunt it out. Isn't that true?

I love stumbling upon beauty outside, and also, beauty in books. I recently came upon a helpful little volume, published just a few years ago. It's entitled, How Successful People Think, by John C. Maxwell. And it delivers what it promises. It's a helpful dose of left-brain thinking that brings the concept of how to think out a vision down to Earth and within reach. And it's full of quotable turns of phrase, such as this:
          "Big thinkers who make things happen also create possibilities for others."

"The winners in life think constantly in terms of 'I can, I will, and I am.' Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have done, or what they don't do."

He continues, "If you believe you can't do something, then it doesn't matter how hard you try, because you've already lost. If you believe you can do something, you have already won much of the battle."

Whereas many authors suggest you repeat affirmations or positive statements to help convince yourself you can succeed, check out this approach. In The Great Little Book of Afformations, Noah St. John urges readers to phrase the statement as a question. 
For instance, you might ask yourself, "Why am I having such great success in my life?" St. John claims that the unconscious mind will then go to work, searching through all your hidden, unconscious programs, to pull up the ones guaranteed to bring about your success.

After all, most of us go around giving ourselves negative messages that work against ourselves. "Why was I such a jerk ?" Or "Why do I keep getting hooked?" Or hundreds of other niggly little negative questions to keep us endlessly feeling bad about ourselves. 

I urge you to try both of these books - if you order from our Website we reap a minor - very tiny - monetary reward. But we will be endlessly grateful. Thank you and here's to thinking, and questioning, successfully! 

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